Youth Leagues
Are you looking for a fun and healthy way to have your children spend time making new friends, socializing while getting some exercise? Check out our weekly youth bowling leagues! Our league is all about getting together, having some laughs and learning a life long sport. We also organize fun days and tournaments for the kids. Come join us for a strike-tastic time!
3-6 years
Our 5 pin Bowlasauras program offers a program to get our littlest bowlers a fun night out! The program has been specially designed with little bowlers in mind, including bumpers, dinosaur ramps, and fun stickers.
We offer one game of bowling, and after the game, we provide a snack, drink and stickers for their dino picture!
Youth Bowling 5 & 10 Pin
Youth bowling is a fun and rewarding activity for young people of all abilities. Our centre offers both 5 pin and 10 pin bowling for youth bowlers to enjoy. We offer weekly sessions on Saturday mornings at 9:45 am where youth can come and have fun with friends while getting some exercise. Can't make it out one week? No problem! Come on down prior and "bowl ahead". This gives your family the flexibility to still plan your weekend outings! Our youth bowling program is registered with Youth Bowl Canada(5 pin) and on the 10 pin side we are registered with Youth Bowl Canada, Bowl Ontario 10 Pin Association and the Canadian Tenpin Federation. We provides coaching, tournaments, and other activities to help young bowlers improve their skills. We provide a safe and supportive environment for youth bowlers to make friends and have a great time. Come join us for some fun and excitement!
Youth League Details
Bowlasauras 3-6 years
Start: Sept. 9/24
Cost: $12.00 per week
Reg: $40.00
Membership to Youth Bowl Canada
Includes Bowling Shirt
**Shoe rental included
YBC 5 Pin (5-19 years)
Start: Sept. 7/24
Cost: $17.00 per week
Reg: $65.00
3 games per week
Includes Yearly Membership to:
Youth Bowl Canada
Bowl Ontario Five Pin Association
Includes Bowling Shirt
Shoe rental $1.00 p/week if needed
YBC 10 Pin (5-21 years)
Start: Sept. 7/24
Cost: $17.00 per week
Reg: $80.00
3 games per week
Includes Yearly Membership to :
Youth Bowl Canada
Bowl Ontario 10 Pin Association
Canadian Ten Pin Federation
Includes: Bowling Shirt
Shoe rental $1.00 p/week if needed
"Register for our youth league conveniently online or in person at our center. We offer flexible options to suit your needs. See below for more information."
August 21/24 1 pm to 7 pm
August 24/24 1 pm to 4 pm
August 28/24 1 pm to 7 pm
All youth bowlers who register in center during the above registration times will receive a free game of bowling, shoe rental, a snack and a drink!